
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Banana Milkshake Juice

Recipes Ingredients:
•  100 ml of liquid milk (cold)
•  40 ml orange juice
•  2 teaspoons liquid sugar (can be replaced syrup or honey)
•  1 / 2 mashed banana

How to Juicing:
1.  Combine all ingredients. Blend until smooth.
2.  Pour in serving glasses.

3.  To be more beautiful, can be added garnish with whipped cream and sliced bananas.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Banana Orange Juice


Recipe ingredients:
•  6 units squeezed orange
•  1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
•  2 tsp fresh ginger (finely grated)
•  2 bananas
•  1 / 4 cup honey
•  ice cubes (optional)

How to juicing:
1.  Enter an already squeezed orange juice, lemon juice, ginger, bananas, honey and ice cubes into blender.
2.  Stir until blended and smooth.
3.  Pour into serving glasses.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bitter Melon Juice

Bitter melon/ Balsam Pear/ Bitter Gourd
Recipe ingredients:
•  1 Bitter melon seedless, chopped
•  Ice to taste
•  Honey to taste
•  Lemon to taste

How to Juicing:
1.  Enter biter melon pieces and ice cubes into blender.
2.  Stir until smooth and blended. When the ice cubes rather smooth, enter lemon juice and honey to suit your taste (to get around for the bitter taste of bitter melon covered with sweet honey and fresh lemon).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Orange Apple Juice

Recipe ingredients:
•  1 apple, chopped
•  3 oranges
•  Granulated sugar if necessary

How to juicing:
1.  Insert the apple slices into the blender.
2.  Oranges halved and squeezed. Take the juice. Combine with the apples.
3.  Apple and lemon puree with blender.
4.  Pour into a glass.
5.  Ready to drink juice with ice cubes.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lemon Juice

Recipe ingredients:
•  2 pieces lemons
•  3 tablespoons granulated sugar
•  1 / 4 teaspoon salt
•  2 cups water
•  5 pieces of ice cubes

How to juicing:
1. Squeeze lemon (seeded).
2. Enter the lemon juice, sugar and salt in a blender for 1-2 minutes until smooth.
3. Add water and ice cubes. Blend again.
4. Strain and pour in glasses. Serve cold

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Orange Smiling Juice

Recipe ingredients:
•  200 ml orange juice
•  200 ml pineapple juice
•  100 ml lemon juice
•  50 ml of liquid sugar (syrup may be substituted)
•  100 ml soda water
•  ice cubes to taste

How to juicing:
1. Mix all ingredients using a blender until completely mixed flat
2. Pour into a container, add soda water and ice cubes.
3. Serve in glasses with sliced oranges to beautify.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Apple Spinach Juice

Recipe ingredients:
•  2 apples
•  1 orange
•  125 g spinach

How to juicing:
1.  Wash apples thoroughly, do not peeled, cut into pieces
2.  Peel the oranges and clean.
3.  Rinse and drain spinach until dry.
4.  Enter the apples, oranges and spinach into a blender (for maximum results).
5.  Add 2 tablespoons honey / according to taste.
6.  Pour into serving glasses, then add some ice cubes.