
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pineapple Guava Juice

Recipe ingredients:
•  2 red guava fruit, remove the skin
•  1 / 4 pineapple
•  1 / 4 bottle of ice water

How to juicing:
1. Enter guava and half a bottle of water ice into a blender, puree
2. Filter with coarse sieve.
3. Enter pineapple, guava that have been filtered, granulated sugar, and remaining water ice into the blender. Puree.

4. Pour into a glass. Serve.

1. Guava can lower blood cholesterol levels.
2. Treating the infection and prevent canker sores.
3. Can accelerate blood circulation and smooth the digestive tract.
4. Prevent constipation.

1 comment:

  1. Super-Duper site! I am Loving it!! Will come back again, Im taking your feed also, Thanks.
